How to Study Effectively?
To study effectively, follow these techniques.
Every beginning is difficult. When friends start a business, the first resistance is the highest resistance in the process, and that resistance is constantly decreasing as the process continues. Therefore, although it may be difficult to start working at first, be sure that everything will work out and it will progress much easier.
Get out of your comfort zone.
If you want to work efficiently, you should definitely remove the distracting factors such as messaging, social media, web browsing, TV.
Put restrictions on your phone. Turn off all notifications. Incoming whatsApp notification, new photo from Instagram, even the news you read there can change your whole mood. Instagram, facebook, sms, calls, whatever, turn off everything that can make a sound or vibrate the phone.
Take a break from the TV, don’t panic, nothing escapes. When the time comes, you will be able to watch them all over the internet again and again.
Keep your desk tidy.
The simpler your desk is, the more relaxed your brain will be. Having only the courses you will study in your field of study will make it much easier for you to focus. So please don’t be lazy and try to keep your table tidy as much as you can. Remove unnecessary items.
Do not eat heavy meals before class.
When the stomach is full, the blood of the body increases. It renders the mind inoperable. Understanding disappears. It enters into laziness and laziness. It will be difficult to continue studying. If a person eats a lot, he drinks a lot of water, and a person who drinks a lot sleeps a lot. For this reason, it prevents you from taking sleep away and therefore from your productive study. In addition, diseases accumulate in the body. Because the main cause of diseases is eating too much and mixing of excess substances in the stomach.
Set your own learning time.
Everyone’s learning style is different. Do you like to work day or night? As it is learned better in the early hours of the day, evening can be the most productive time for learning. So first get to know yourself.
Get your sleep well.
After the scientific researches, it was seen that sleeping was more memorable than what was learned. Those who get up at night and work from sunrise to noon, take a nap, store information in the best way. You say that I don’t remember how I should do it.
Learn by teaching.
To improve memory and recall skills when we learn new information become a teacher teach that subject to someone. Explain everything you understand as if you were teaching someone a lesson.
With scientific research, it has been determined that the information stays in the mind more when the lesson is taught as if you are teaching it to someone. Namely, people remember what they read 10%, hear 20%, see 30%, both see and hear 50%, argue with someone 70%, personal experiences 80%, and what they teach others 95%.
Explain the subject you are trying to learn over and over again as if you are the teacher and someone else is in front of you. Say it a little louder.
Take notes.
One of the most productive working methods is to work by typing. Working with typing keeps more information in your mind.
According to a study conducted between a group of students who took notes and a group of students who just listened, questions were asked about the topic, and when you look at both groups, when you compare them, it is seen that most of them remember the same thing in the short term, but students who take notes stay in their minds more in the long term.
For example, what are we studying in geometry lesson today, are we studying trigonometry? I take notes of what the teacher tells and writes about trigonometry. On the one hand, I summarize and take notes of important formulas. On the one hand, my brain begins to memorize both what I hear and what I see. Because when I write, I see on the one hand and I practice on the other hand. Writing is very valuable in this sense.
So if you don’t want to forget what you learned at school, make sure to take notes.
If you study at home, learn to take notes. This can be a little tricky because it takes time. Writing is a bit of a chore, your hands may get tired and so on… But if you ask what is the most efficient study technique, note-taking is underlined.
Write the important headlines in red, the ones that may appear in the exam in green, and the warnings in blue because the colored texts will attract attention. You should review your notes and concepts that you read in class at least once a week, if not every day.
Practice memorization.
After reading a topic, close your books and remove your notes. Practice long-term memorization by saying out loud everything you can remember about that topic.
Use time by dividing it. (Pomodoro Method)
As you know the Pomodoro method, you give a 5-minute break after 25 minutes of working time. You loop these times and repeat. Rest yourself during the 5-minute break and continue to study the subject again with your head rested.
When you start working, the thought that I must do what I need to do as soon as possible will give you a great motivation
If the 25 minutes study time is too short, you can adjust it according to the topic you need to study or the test time you need to solve. First you start with 25 minutes, then you can progress by increasing it to 40 minutes, 50 minutes. In the end, you should care about the subject you need to finish, not the breaks..
Do exercises to relax.
Have a calm mind.
Unfortunately, we feed on so many negative things that the movies, news and programs we watch make us think negatively. The less you are exposed to them, the better.
Remove negative thoughts from your mind, try to attract positive thoughts to your mind. For every sentence you use negatively, use the positive instead of every word. Do not allow negative thoughts in your life. Follow it like a watchman.
Stay away from people who spread negative and negative energy. When you’re with those people, you turn negative. Complaining, finding fault, etc. Everything that has such a negative structure both takes your energy and causes you to turn from positive to negative. That’s why you should stay away from them.